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In her usual way of identifying with the less privileged in the society, Mrs. Modupe Kolawole has donated hundreds of exercise books to the Pupils of all the public primary schools in Ijurin-Ekiti,to mark her birthday.

Ekiti News reports that the benefitted schools are the Pilot Model School, formerly known as St. Paul’s Catholic Primary School, Methodist Nursery and Primary School and St. Lawrence’s C.A.C Nursery and Primary School, Ijurin-Ekiti.

Prof. Dipo Kolawole who presented the books to the pupils on behalf of his wife, said the gestures was borne out of her family’s determination to give back to the society, particularly the children who are the future of tomorrow.

Prof. Kolawole admonished the pupils to glue to their studies;as education guarantees a sustainable future worthy of shapings their lives and that of their immediate communities.

The headteachers of the schools in their separate remarks expressed gratitude to the donor for her philanthropic gestures towards the pupils and prayed for success in all her endeavours.

The children who were full of excitement while receiving the gifts lauded Mrs Kolawole for her kindness and wished her a happy birthday.

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