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By Deji Oso

Critics have offered narratives lacking logic, quality, and conviction on Ekiti Governor’s latest trip overseas. In this instance, this is not a case of “Delegatus Non Potest Delegare,” where transferred power or authority cannot be re-transferred.

The constitution recognizes that government cannot operate in a vacuum. Thus, there is a provision for a deputy who is empowered by law to act in the absence of the head of government—the Governor. May I ask those spinning the petty, puerile, and purulent narratives some logic-provoking questions:

So, because BAO is a governor, you think he does not enjoy any personal fundamental human rights or constitutional power as governor to enjoy official leave. So, because he is a governor, he cannot attend an event overseas, relax with friends, or use the opportunity to attract investors to Ekiti?

Even teachers and civil servants take annual leave of 30 days. Has the Ekiti Governor—BAO—spent up to 30 days in America? I am not sure BAO has ever taken any major holiday to unwind since assuming office?

Yet, some media chichidodos and political attention-cravers won’t allow a person to rest with their cacophonic chatter-banters.

If you want to play opposition well, take on substantial issues and stop the flippant frivolities. Critique government policies scientifically, using valid illustrations, and recommend preferred alternatives.

Unfortunately, playing opposition may be difficult when you have a performing incumbent leadership, as seen with H.E. Biodun Abayomi Oyebanji’s good governance and effective leadership in Ekiti State.

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