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Ekiti News reports that the House of Representatives member representing Ekiti North Federal Constituency II, Hon. Akinlayo in festive mood has gifted his constituents with goodies.

The federal lawmaker personally reached out to his constituents to spread Christmas cheer.

Akinlayo’s generosity knew no bounds as he distributed cash gifts, thousands of bags of rice and other essential food items as palliatives, creating a ripple effect that resonated throughout the entire constituency.

These good gestures transcended social strata, and religious groups, reaching every cadre and lever within the constituency.

His political Party – The All Progressive Congress (APC) Leaders, Party faithfuls also enjoyed a part of his largesse as he shared huge amounts of cash to major Executives in each wards and local government of his Constituency.

From the grassroots to the leadership echelons, Akinlayo’s gesture left an indelible mark, fostering a sense of unity and shared joy among the constituents.

This act, not only addressed immediate needs but also underscored Akinlayo’s commitment to the well-being, welfare and happiness of the people he serves, solidifying his bond with the Constituents during this festive season.

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