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Yesterday, Governor Biodun Oyebanji flagged off another round of rice palliative distribution to help alleviate the current economic hardship faced by the people of the state.

This palliative is a joint effort between the Federal Government and Ekiti state government.

Ekiti State has the best template and structure of palliative distribution .

Representatives from various communities , groups , associations and ethnic groups were present at the flag-off ceremony, ensuring inclusiveness and that no segment of the state is left behind.

Wide distribution could not be carried out at the flagg off ceremony yesterday to avoid stampede and any form of casualties .

Nevertheless , distribution commenced yesterday , Thursday and will be continued today , Friday .

The distribution is in different layers :

All towns are to be reached through all LCDA & LGA Chairmen and to be shared to every vulnerable community member at every PALACE which is the most accessible location for all community members including farm settlements.

All major ethnic groups reached through their leaders, who will be responsible for distributing the palliatives to their members. They are :
Nupe /TAPA

Workers unions reached through NLC , TUC , JNC , NUJ , RATTAWU , MHUN , NUT, ASSUS , NULGE etc.

Pensioners reached through NUP

Market associations reached through the IYALOJAs

All traditional female chief heads across the state reached through their group Eyelobinrin

Civil servants of low cadre reached through ESTAB


Every group of non- formal workers , small business owners groups under artisans and private sector reached through the leadership of PRIVATE SECTOR and ARTISAN. The list of all groups under the two umbrella bodies would be made public as well .

Youths and Students reached through their various registered organizations under the Ministry of Yourh Development.

All media professionals / broadcasters reached through their organizations for their vulnerable members.

Teachers reached through NUT and ASSUS

All political parties reached through Inter – Party Advisory Council of Nigeria (IPAC) while major opposition parties were reached separately; SDP and PDP to be reached through their leadership . Likewise the ruling party APC reached through the state executives.

However, those who do not belong to any group would be reached when distribution to strategic locations in town commences .

This structured and well-organized distribution process aims to ensure that the palliatives reach every segment of the state.

Although no palliative measure can cover everyone, Governor Oyebanji remains optimistic that the State’s agricultural efforts will yield a bountiful harvest by next year, thereby ending food scarcity and the era of palliative in the state.

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