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By Oluwasegun Aina

The Visions of Governor Oyebanji’s led administration in Ekiti State is Legendary. Moreover, the future of Ekiti State is in reliable hands and it is expected that every citizen of the state shares in the noble vision to make Ekiti State better and greater. However, it is undisputed we are presently in trying times, especially after the removal of oil subsidy which has brought about economic challenges, with people experiencing hardship caused by inflation and high cost of living. Research has shown however that moments of crisis such as being witnessed in Nigeria, presents a turning point and that nothing makes a great Leader better than the hour of crisis as true Visionaries look beyond uncertainty and act as an anchor for others.

Be it business, politics or philanthrophy, hardship has always been a catalyst for remarkable men and women to rise up to challenges. It’s little wonder then that both President Ahmed Bola Tinubu and Governor Biodun Abayomi Oyebanji have shown their committed and determination to address the prevailing hardships by evolving policies and programmes geared towards alleviating the plight of the people.

Indeed, it will not be out of place to say that Ekiti State is lucky to have Governor Biodun Abayomi Oyebanji at the helm of affairs of the state at this particular time in the political history of the state. This is someone that has made his mark locally and internationally in the organized private sector who has come to change the narrative of sustainable development in the state. Since coming into office in 2022, Governor Oyebanji has brought his hard earned reputation and experience to bear in the administration of the state, applying his vast knowledge to situations he met on ground, as well as those arising, to bring about the most desirable outcome.

So far, Governor Oyebanji has demonstrated remarkable wisdom in his discernment, discretion, intelligence, penetration of ideas, correctness of opinion, quickness of understanding, and clarity of mind which is leading to correct actions and decisions being taken by the administration.

While Governor Oyebanji is giving his best to crystallize the vision of Ekiti State as being a right place to be, it remains for the followers to reciprocate by supporting him achieve this collective vision. Thus, it’s not only inimical but needlessly distracting for a section of the citizens to deliberately refused to recognize and acknowledge the obvious and manifest determination of the Governor to turn around the fortunes of the state for the better. Especially the relentless recourse to unconstructive criticism on the social media, particularly by those who ordinarily should be celebrating their son for his exceptional leadership.

Oyebanji who Unveiled N12 billion Economic Relief Programme days ago in supporting households, formal and informal sectors. These programmes include the payment of one month salary arrears to State and Local Government workers totalling over N2.7 billion. With this payment, the Government has cleared the salary arrears owed to State Government workers, and will ensure the arrears owed Local Government workers are cleared this year. The Governor also approved an increase of N600 million per month in the subvention of autonomous institutions including the Judiciary and all tertiary institutions. This is to allow the institutions implement the wage award being implemented for State and Local Government workers.

Governor Oyebanji also approved the payment of two months pension arrears owed State and Local Government workers totalling N1.5 billion, as well as N100 million monthly gratuity payment to state pensioners and an increment of the current N50 million monthly gratuity to local Government pensioners to N100 million. (This brings total monthly gratuity payment to N200 million). The State Government has also committed the sum of N1 billion to improve food production, especially to embark on land preparation, driven by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security’s tractorization subsidy scheme, and an input supply programme to support small scale farmers. Similarly, the Government is also committing a whopping sum of N1.2 billion it recently got as first tranche of the World Bank-financed Livestock Productivity and Resilience Support ( L-PRES) Project to transform the livestock subsector.

The money would be spent on empowering livestock farmers, boosting livestock productivity as well as creating a conducive environment for youths and private sector involvement in livestock businesses. This will include revamping all veterinary clinics across the local government areas and the state veterinary hospital; development of poultry sector across the value chain from production to processing; Feed formulation and artificial insemination (AI) training and support, among others.

Development of poultry sector across the value chain from production to processing; Feed formulation and artificial insemination (AI) training and support, among others. Additionally, the State is also launching a N500 million loan programme in partnership with Access Bank to support medium and small scale businesses.

This is in addition to the N1 billion cooperative fund to provide low interest working capital for cooperatives and members. These programmes will ensure that small scale businesses, a critical part of the State economy, also benefit from the relief programme, and help kick start the economy.

The final set of the programmes include a continuation of the conditional cash transfer to low income households as well as the CARES programme which among other focuses on livelihood support, labour-intensive support, technology support for small businesses and support for agric produce and for which the sum N3.5 billion is earmarked.

It also include the free bus service for students and workers within Ado-Ekiti and Ikere-Ekiti, which will now be extended to Ekiti State University (EKSU) and other major towns; and the distribution of food items to the 177 wards of the State being coordinated by the Local Government Councils and Community Development Associations.

Just like Governor Oyebanji has repeatedly stressed, the time of politics is over. It’s now time for governance. Time for the people to join hands together with his administration to build the Ekiti State of our dream.

In the words of Jesse Owens, an American Olympian, “We all have dreams, but to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort”. Even the holy books are clear on what is expected of the followership in regards to their leader.

Oluwasegun Aina, a Journalist and Public Affairs Analyst writes from Ifaki-Ekiti.

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