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Agriculture & Rural Development stands as a prominent pillar in Governor Oyebanji’s vision for progress. His commitment extends beyond enhancing the state’s food supply chain; he views Agriculture as a potent investment, fostering employment and empowerment.

The renowned livestock center in Erifun, a testament to this commitment, not only contributes to the local food chain but serves as a nexus for youth empowerment. Through comprehensive training, young poultry farmers are trained and equipped to establish themselves in the field.

During a visit to the Livestock Center last year, Governor Oyebanji pledged not just to renovate but to make the livestock center conducive for both current and prospective poultry farmers in training.

True to his word, the center now stands as a symbol of excellence, among the best in the country. As a cherry on top, free shuttle services are provided for the young poultry farmers undergoing training in the center, removing barriers and enhancing accessibility.

The attached pictures showcase the remarkable transformation of the center, signaling a wave of opportunities for Ekiti youths.

It’s important to celebrate Governor Oyebanji for his transformative strides in the area of Agriculture .

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